
Problem Statement

The unsustainable practices of our current agricultural system, coupled with climate change and population growth, will lead to a future in which nutritious high-quality food becomes increasingly scarce and inaccessible, especially for the most vulnerable populations.
According to the latest 2023 UN studies, the number of people facing hunger and food insecurity has risen since 2015, as the pandemic, climate change in conflict and growing inequality have exacerbated the situation. In 2015, 589 million people were hungry, and by 2021, that number had risen to 768 million. Projections indicate that by 2030, nearly 670 million people will still face hunger – 8% of the world’s population. That’s the same number as in 2015. To achieve this reduction, immediate and intensified efforts are needed to transform food systems, ensure food security, and invest in sustainable agricultural practices.
In 2021, the proportion of countries facing a rise in food prices reached 21.5%, a significant drop from a record high of 48% in 2020, when the easing of COVID-19-related restrictive measures increased demand. This reflects the continued price increases for foodstuffs, with rising production and transportation costs. In addition, The percentage of food lost globally after harvest on farm, transport, storage, wholesale, and processing levels, usually attributed to structural inadequacies in the countries, is estimated at 13.2% in 2021, unchanged from 2016 and far from the target of halving post-harvest food losses by 2030.
Hence, we conclude that the food sector suffers globally from major challenges, which will lead to serious consequences for health, economy, and social stability, including:

Agri-Tech Importance

Agri-tech, or agricultural technology, is pivotal in addressing numerous challenges faced by the agriculture industry. Its importance extends across various aspects, contributing to increased efficiency, sustainability, and overall productivity, transforming traditional farming practices into more sustainable, data-driven, and technologically advanced systems. As the global population continues to grow, the significance of Agri-tech in meeting the increasing demand for food while minimizing environmental impact becomes even more crucial.
To reduce the challenges, immediate and intensified efforts from different parties Governments, innovators, industries, researchers, NGOs and others are needed:

These efforts include:

SEIYAJ TECH Role in Agri-Tech

SEIYAJ TECH as a collaborative force, seamlessly synergizes between the Agri-Tech innovators in software and hardware solutions, to localize and integrate among the top-notch innovations in the world delivering the best solutions that cover all the challenges faced in the agriculture sector, bringing the best solution to the governments for food sustainability system, process, and practices. SEIYAJ TECH cooperative effort will include all the stakeholders in Agriculture sector like farmers, food manufacturers, distributors, retailers, research  institutions, NGOs, Governmental ministries,

 and other parties to unify efforts in implementing the top-notch innovative devices and software for agriculture sustainability, high-quality food accessibility, minimizing waste for a future of zero-hunger. In addition, SEIYAJ TECH revolutionizes the Agri-tech supply chain and enabling seamless communication and coordination among stakeholders by leveraging blockchain technology to promote transparency in the entire supply chain, instilling consumer trust and guaranteeing food safety and high quality.


Agricultural technology, commonly known as Agri-tech or Agtech, utilizes technology to enhance various aspects of agriculture and agribusiness. It integrates advancements in information technology, biotechnology, robotics, and other fields to boost the efficiency, sustainability, and productivity of agricultural practices. This integration highlights the digital (software) and physical devices (hardware) aspects of agricultural technology. The success of agri-tech applications often depends on the seamless integration of both software and hardware components, delivering effective solutions for farmers and the agriculture industry. This rapidly evolving field addresses challenges such as the need for increased food production, resource efficiency, and sustainability, transforming traditional farming practices into more efficient, data-driven systems.
Here are some key components and areas covered by Agri-tech:

Software (SaaS)

– Data Analytics for decision-making.
– Crop Planning and Monitoring tools.
– Blockchain for transparency and traceability.
– Logistics Optimization solutions.
– GPS and GIS technologies.
– Remote Sensing using satellites and drones.
– Precision Application Software.
– Smart Sprayer algorithms.
– Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.
– Smart Sensors for data collection.
– Financial Technology Solutions.
– Mobile Payment Systems.
– Indoor Farming Management Software.
– LED Lighting control systems.


– Autonomous Vehicles (drones, tractors).
– Robotic systems for sorting, packing, and harvesting.
– Soil Sensors and Monitoring Devices.
– Automated Irrigation Systems.
– Precision Application Systems (sprayers).
– Smart Sprayers.
– Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
– Smart Sensors for monitoring environmental conditions.
– Hydroponics and Aeroponics systems.
– LED Lighting fixtures.

Join us

Are you an Innovator? Or Does your Company provide a Digital Solution in Agri-Tech? Join Us, we are here to collaborate with you, to help you Localize your Digital Solution.
You can contact us by email at and we’ll be happy to answer your questions or provide an assistance. We look forward to hearing from you!